A SENSE of humour in adversity can be attractive, but it is not
always useful. Confronted by the worst recession in their country since
the 1930s and the possible implosion of Europe’s single currency, the
people of Italy have decided to avoid reality. In this week’s election a
quarter of the electorate—a post-war record—did not even bother to show
up. Of those who did, almost 30% endorsed Silvio Berlusconi, whose
ruinous policies as a clownish prime minister are a main cause of
Italy’s economic woes. And a further 25% voted for the Five Star
Movement, which is led by a genuine comedian, Beppe Grillo. By contrast,
Mario Monti, the reform-minded technocrat who has led Italy for the
past 15 months and restored much of its battered credibility, got a
measly 10%.
This result is a disaster for Italy and for Europe. In Rome the
centre-left coalition headed by Pier Luigi Bersani, the pre-election
favourite who ended up getting only a whisker more of the vote than Mr
Berlusconi, is now struggling to form a government: it is unlikely to be
stable or durable (see
Meanwhile, financial markets across Europe swooned on the news. Share
prices fell sharply almost everywhere. Sovereign-bond yields jumped
across the Mediterranean countries, to levels touched three months ago,
even as they fell in Germany, bringing the euro crisis back to
In fact the danger is less of break-up than of stagnation. This was
the week, history may conclude, when Europeans made clear that they
were not interested in reform. Nine months after the French ran away
from change, the Italians sprinted past them. As many as two-thirds of
Italians rejected not only German-imposed austerity but the entire
reform agenda that was designed to improve their economy’s dismal record
of near-zero growth. Follow that path, and it leads to the economic
paralysis and political decline that Japan has endured for the past 20
The election result is scarily reminiscent of the most recent
occasion when the centre-left governed Italy, in 2006. Then a ramshackle
coalition under Romano Prodi stuttered on, only to expire after less
than two years. Mr Bersani could try to form a “grand coalition”
bringing together elements from the centre-left and the centre-right,
though that means dealing with Mr Berlusconi. Mr Bersani might do better
to form a minority government with Mr Monti, sustained from outside by
Mr Grillo’s Five Star Movement, a formula that has more or less worked
in Sicily. The “grillini”, as Mr Grillo’s new deputies and senators are
known, need to decide whether to be purely negative in seeking to
overturn the entire political order, or whether to be responsible and
support sensible reforms.
To complicate things, the new parliament also has to elect a
replacement for the president, Giorgio Napolitano. The best candidate is
a former centre-left prime minister, Giuliano Amato. But whoever is
chosen, and whatever government is cobbled together, Italy will struggle
to avoid a fresh election later this year. It would be better if that
election were fought with new political leaders and under a new
electoral system that makes a repeat of today’s gridlock less likely.
In the meantime, the worry is of no progress with the reforms that
are desperately needed to restore vitality to an asphyxiated economy. To
do nothing, as Italy’s voters seem to wish, is not the answer to the
country’s problems. Italian GDP per head has actually shrunk during the
euro’s first 13 years of existence. This performance has little to do
with a lack of demand caused by excessive fiscal austerity, as some euro
critics loudly claim. It has everything to do with year after year of
steadily rising labour costs and falling productivity, which have
undermined Italian competitiveness and exports. If Italy’s government
cannot regain lost competitiveness and reignite growth through greater
liberalisation of its labour and product markets and reforms to the
country’s legal and welfare systems, the economy will suffer, and youth
unemployment will climb even higher than today’s 36%.
Too big to fail or to bail
This is dangerous. It is hard to see Italy remaining in the single
currency in such dire straits—and equally hard to imagine the euro
surviving if it falls out. Italy is the euro zone’s third-biggest
economy and, although its budget deficit is quite small, it has the
biggest stock of public debt (at almost 130% of GDP). This makes it too
big to bail out.
But without growth, Italy will not be able to service its debts. The
possible pattern is clear: a series of crisis meetings, a few
half-hearted efforts at reform to buy off Germany’s Angela Merkel, not
enough growth, too much austerity, and then another crisis. The euro
survives, but at immense economic cost. The euro zone becomes Japan.
It does not have to be that way. Italy’s political convulsions
underline the need for Mrs Merkel to adapt her prescription. So far it
has been a lot of austerity and some reform; it should be the other way
Deep recession and rising unemployment across the Mediterranean
countries are triggering a popular backlash. Structural reforms continue
to be essential if southern countries in the euro are to win back
competitiveness and rekindle growth. But, given the voters’ response and
the scale of recession, the pressure for continued fiscal austerity
should now ease. Several countries—France is the most recent example
expected to miss their budget-deficit targets this year. The European
Commission should accept this if governments implement reforms. And
northern members of the euro zone, especially Germany, should be readier
to stimulate demand through tax cuts and spending increases.
The irony is that both of Italy’s clowns have got one thing right. Mr
Grillo was right about Italy’s overpaid and corrupt politicians. Mr
Berlusconi was right that austerity alone will not solve Europe’s
crisis. Yet that does not mean Italians can run away from their
predicament. If they continue to reject reforms, reality will catch up
with them. Whatever the clowns may tell you, that is not funny.